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Youth Ministry at St. Columba


At St. Columba our youth ministry program seeks to assist our parents in bringing our youth from kindergarten through high school to a closer relationship with Christ and His Church.  There are opportunities for every age to grow in faith.


Life Teen is our program for teens 9th grade through 12th grade.  Our program offers a weekly Life Night each Sunday evening following the Youth Mass; there are service opportunities during the year and over the summer; small groups are offered to teens who want to dig deeper; several retreats are offered on campus and elsewhere throughout the year; we also take fun trips like to the corn maze or play ultimate frisbee; and so much more.


EDGE is our program for tweeners 6th grade through 8th grade.  Our program offers a weekly EDGE Night each Wednesday evening during the school year at 6:00 to 7:30 PM; there are service opportunities during the year and over the summer; several retreats are offered on campus and elsewhere throughout the year; we also take fun trips like to Fun Zone or bowling; and so much more.


Ignite is our program for 3-5 year old and kindergarten through 5th grade. Our program offers a weekly Ignite Night each Wednesday evening during the school year at 6:00 to 7:30 PM; we have Adoration once a month on Wednesday evenings; every summer we have a super Vacation Bible School; and so much more. 

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